Tuesday 20 January 2009

I've got the shoes

After much searching on the internet to find out what sort of shoe I need, I finally bought them. There is much more to this than I thought. I used this web site which was very helpful http://www.runnersworld.co.uk/news/article.asp?UAN=481.

You have to get your foot wet, put it on the floor and see what shape it is to determine the kind of shoe you need. Then you have to go through a whole load of questions and then it gives you a selection of possible models to choose from.

I decided to write them all down and go to a shop to try some on. I went to JJB Sports in Dorchester and was immediately mesmerised by the huge display of shoes and no indication of what they are designed to do. Fortunately, there was a very helpful young lady who asked me lots of questions and then suggested I try on a pair which were in the sale. They fitted like a glove and felt great. I had to try on some more to see what the difference would be but the first ones were best (and cheapest!).

So now I have to go and do some actual, um, running. I haven't actually broken into anything remotely like a trot yet. I have sort of gone up the stairs quite quickly a couple of times but not actually, ah, run anywhere. I thought about it last night, but there was this big black cloud and so I thought, 'Let's not be hasty. Plenty of time, hey?'

So, maybe this evening. We'll see.


  1. So you did all of the research, tried all of the shoes, and then went for the cheapest? :-)

  2. (the wife said), . do lots of training you need it. I will try to be encouraging and not drink too many glasses of wine and eat too many chocolates in front of you!!
