Thursday 12 March 2009

One small step - one giant leap

Well, many small steps actually, but did achieve a giant leap forward. I can't quite believe this but I went out again last night using the slower running technique as explained the previous two or three posts. I decided I would run as far as possible before stopping to walk. I started at Overcombe as always, and ran towards the pier (1.25 miles). I thought, "I'll see if I can get to the pier without stopping."

I did get to the pier without stopping, amazingly. And, when I got there, I thought, "Why do I want to stop?" So, the Forest Gump thing kicked in and I ran around a flower border to face back the other way, and . . . just kept running. Half way back I even noticed that my breathing was entirely normal. I didn't feel puffed at all but I did feel a bit tired. When I reached Overcombe, I could easily have run further. I can't tell you what a sense of achievement I felt and I couldn't stop grinning as I walked back to the car. This is me when I arrived back at Overcombe.

And, now there is a new imperative. Boredom. I am going to need music. So, I called at Currys on the way home to pick up a Bluetooth adaptor so that I can get some music onto my phone.

I have plotted my run on and will update as I progress. Watch the Mapness space.

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