Monday 29 December 2008

Will I run?

It happened over the Christmas holidays. My son Luke asked me if I would be up for the 10k BUPA run in London next May (2009). Of course, I said 'Yes! No problem!'

It all started when Teresa and I went to London to cheer on our Brother in law, John, who was running in the London Marathon (all 26 miles (?) of it). I was telling Luke about it and saying that it was a great day. Luke said, 'We should do that.' And, I, naturally, said, 'Yes, of course (gulp!).'

Now, just to get this straight, the furthest and fastest that I have ever run, was probably to catch a bus, when I was about 15. I am now 59 and by the time this event happens on 25th May 2009, I will be 60. I have not participated in any exercise for months, although I do swim a little in the summer.

So, if I am to do this, I must start some sort of training regime pretty soon. I am told by my daughter, Eve, whose partner, Greg runs most days and has also stated his intention of taking part, that I will need proper running shoes. Now, the first and last pair of trainers that I bought were from Lidl. They cost me about £8, and I assumed that they would be just fine.

I am waiting for Luke to sign up for the run before I do because I don't want to find that I am the only one doing it. If and when I do sign up, I will collect sponsorship for the Weldmar Hospice in Dorchester, Dorset. My Mum spent her last days there and all of our family were grateful for their kindness and sensitivity. You will see some advertisements on the site and all (any!) proceeds will also be donated to them. Every penny is needed.

So, next installment. Will I or won't I?

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